Whether it's your first time seeking professional massage therapy or if you're unfamiliar with what our services are like, let us provide you with information.



Are There Different Kinds Of Massage And Bodywork?

There are numerous types of massage and bodywork. Various techniques utilize different strokes, including basic rubbing strokes, rocking movement, posture and movement re-education, active or passive stretching, guided breathwork, application of pressure to specific points, and more.

We provide relaxation massage for stress and tension reduction, therapeutic massage for treating injuries and pain, thai yoga massage for overall wellness and increased flexibility, pregnancy massage for expectant mothers, hot stone massage for deep relaxation and reiki massage for addressing the energetic body as well as the physical body. Cupping therapy and essential oils are available if desired.

Source: Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals

You and the practitioner will discuss the desired outcome of your session. This will determine which parts of your body require massage. A typical full-body session will include work on your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders. You will not be touched on or near your genitals (male or female) or breasts (female).

What Parts Of My Body Will Be Massaged?

Most traditional massage and bodywork techniques are performed with the client unclothed or only wearing underwear bottoms; however, you may decide what amount of clothing you prefer to wear for your own comfort. We are trained to work through the clothes and sheets if necessary and without judgement. You will be properly draped during the session to ensure your comfort, warmth and modesty. Proper draping will always be used regardless of massage therapy being performed.

The exception is with Integrated Thai Yoga massage and Yomassage, you will remain comfortably clothed.

Will I be covered during the session?

Must I be completely undressed?

You will be properly dressed or draped at all times to keep you warm and comfortable. Only the area being worked on will be exposed.

What will massage or bodywork feel like?

It depends on the techniques used. In a general relaxation massage, your session may start with broad, flowing strokes that will help to calm your nervous system and ease exterior muscle tension. As your body unwinds, pressure will gradually be increased to relax and relieve specific areas of muscular tension. You should communicate with your practitioner immediately if you feel any discomfort so that another approach may be taken. Massage and bodywork are most effective when your body is not resisting.

Is talking allowed or do I have to stay completely silent?

Make yourself comfortable, relax and connect with your natural breathing pattern. The practitioner will either gently move your arm or leg and will tell you what is needed throughout the session, such as lifting your ankles to place a bolster underneath for support.

What should I do during the massage or bodywork session?

Are there medical conditions that would make massage inadvisable?

Yes. That’s why it’s imperative that before you begin your session, the practitioner ask general health questions. It is very important that you inform the practitioner of any health problems or medications you are taking. If you are under a doctor’s care, it is strongly advised that you receive a written recommendation for massage or bodywork prior to any session. Many practitioners may require a recommendation or approval from your doctor.

Many people just close their eyes and often fall asleep. Some may ask questions about their session and that is completely welcome, in fact we encourage communication if something doesn't feel comfortable or if you need assistance.

We do suggest conversations to stay focused on your wellness and generally about massage. It is typically best to not discuss topics like politics, religion or any offensive subjects. What is prohibited is conversation, statements, innuendos, words or phrases that are sexual in nature and we have a zero tolerance policy for this behavior.


What to do to prepare for maximum benefit and comfort in your sessions.

Also, tips on what to skip.

No need to shave any part of your body. In fact, this can create more friction if there is stubble or cuts, which can be painful for you and/or your practitioner.

We massage all genders and body types, so hair length is not a concern and we are a safe space that is free of judgement.

We greatly appreciate good hygiene because odors can be unpleasant, so we do recommend coming in showered, but do not let this deter you from receiving massage or bodywork. Dirt and body products can interfere with the quality of massage when they are mixed with our lotions or oils.

Should I shower?

Do I need to shave?

Whether a client weighs 100 pounds or 300 pounds, massage and bodywork therapists are trained to appreciate all bodies, without judgment, and to deliver the best care possible. During your session, your therapist’s goal will be to create an environment that feels safe and nurturing for you, all while delivering much needed therapeutic touch.

A negative body image is not necessarily about those few extra pounds on the hips. It might instead be tied to the scars of past injuries and surgeries. Massage can help here, too. For burn victims, research has shown massage can help in the healing process, while for post-surgery breast cancer patients, massage and bodywork can reintegrate a battered body and spirit. In addition to softening scar tissue and speeding post-surgery recovery, massage and bodywork for these clients is about respect, reverence, and learning to look at, and beyond, the scars.

Being unhappy with our bodies has serious, and sometimes lifelong, ramifications. Feelings of unworthiness and self-loathing can set up a lifetime of self-deprecating behaviors. What regularly scheduled massage allows us to do is “get back” into our bodies and reconnect with ourselves.

Massage can help us release physical and mental patterns of tension, enhancing our ability to experience our bodies (regardless of their shape and size) in a more positive way. Just as it facilitates our ability to relax, massage also encourages an awareness of the body, often allowing us to more clearly see and identify destructive behaviors, including overeating or purging.

Massage also creates a sense of nurturing that is especially powerful when it comes to poor body image. Accepting the nonjudgmental touch of a trained therapist goes a long way toward rebuilding an appreciation and respect for your own body. If we find acceptance for who we are and how we look, we are giving ourselves permission to live comfortably in the skin we have.

I'm uncomfortable with my body, should I be nervous?

We ask that you inform your therapist of any open cuts, lesions, rashes, stitches, recent surgeries or infectious skin conditions to protect you and your therapist from harm. We can adjust the massage to accommodate you for maximum comfort and benefit.

NOTE: For the safety of our staff and vulnerable patients, we do have limitations. The exception is when you have any kind of communicable disease, we will not be able to massage the infected area. If you have symptoms of a respiratory or flu-like infection, we are leaving it up to your therapist's discretion to assess your symptoms and whether or not to proceed safely.

I have a skin irritation or cuts, what do I do?

What should I wear?

Anything that is comfortable to you, however it is best to leave jewelry and accessories at home or remove them (if possible) before you get onto the table, chair or even during a mat-based class.

We can work around hair and clothing, so do not worry! Your main job is to relax and we'll take care of adjusting the session to maximize your comfort.

Should I eat or drink beforehand?

It's highly advised to skip alcoholic beverages prior to massage as it often times can increase the effects and it is known to dehydrate you. Being hydrated is important, while also not consuming too much water prior or you may have the urge to use the restroom while getting massaged.

Additionally, if you are overly full you may feel discomfort. But don't worry, vocal stomachs are nothing to be ashamed of whether you are still digesting or feel hungry.

For the safety of your therapist and clients, including yourself, we ask that you refrain from attending class or receiving massage when you're feeling ill. We prefer that you have not had symptoms or fever within the past 72 hours.

As a small business, having staff members take time off due to illness will impact our financial ability to serve stay in business and to serve others.

What is I feel sick or have recently been sick?


What are the benefits of Massage Therapy?

• Boosts the immune system.
• Reduces anxiety.
• Reduces the flow of stress hormones.
• Improves sleep.
• Improves energy levels and reduces fatigue.
• Improves concentration.
• Increases circulation.
• Reduces frequency of headaches.
• Releases endorphins.

• Massage can reduce sports-related soreness and improve circulation—good to know when you may be exercising more to reduce stress.
• Fibromyalgia patients receiving massage have less pain, depression, anxiety, stiffness, fatigue, and problematic sleep.
• Oncology patients show less pain, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, and depression following massage therapy.
• Stroke patients show less anxiety and lower blood pressure with massage therapy.
• Alzheimer’s patients exhibit reduced pacing, irritability, and restlessness after neck and shoulder massage.

What has research shown?

Source: Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals